Come to our vegan potluck at 5, or to hear Dr. Julie Sinistore’s presentation on the Environmental Impacts of Food at 6:15, or both.
Just in time for Earth Day, Dr. Sinistore will examine the impacts of food choices from production through consumption and ask tough questions about if being vegan is enough to ensure the protection of endangered ecosystems.
Dr. Julie Sinistore has been vegan for 25 years and first turned to vegetarianism 29 years ago, after reading Frances Moore Lappe's Diet for a Small Planet. She is an expert in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and current serves as Senior Vice President and Technical Fellow at WSP USA, a major firm providing environmental and engineering services. In her LCA work, she analyzes the environmental burdens and benefits of the production, use, transportation, and disposal of goods and services like agricultural products, but also electronics and construction products. Julie also taught courses on Life Cycle Thinking and Sustainable Product Design in the mechanical engineering department at UC-Berkeley. Julie sits on the board of the American Center for LCA (ACLCA) and serves as the vice chair of the Education committee.
For the potluck, please bring a plant-based (no meat, eggs, dairy,honey, or other animal products, including honey) main dish, salad, or dessert; a card listing its ingredients; and plates and utensils for your use. If you come alone, figure the amount to serve 4-6; increase the amount 4 servings for each additional person in your party/family. The West Hills Unitarian Universalist Church is located at 8470 SW Oleson Road, Portland.