Come to the potluck at 5 to meet old friends and make new ones, and/or at 6:15 to hear a fascinating talk by Northwest VEG member Sharon Methvin on what she found on her recent post-pandemic trip to China. Sharon will discuss the rapid shift in dietary and lifestyle behaviors in urban areas of China. There has been a post-pandemic explosion of western fast-food chains, delivery apps, and increasing desire for meat and dairy, engineered foods, and purebred pets. This rapid shift has led to increasing incidences of obesity and undernutrition, environmental degradation, and companion animal abandonment. Sharon will then conclude with the potential implication of these trends and why it might not be all doom and gloom as Chinese youth continue to adopt western practices.
Dr. Methvin is a Professor of Anthropology who has been living in Nanjing, China (a city of ten million) a few months each spring since an academic sabbatical in 2006, and only recently returned after a four-year absence.
For the potluck, please bring a plant-based (no animal products, including honey) main dish, salad, or dessert; a card listing its ingredients; and plates and utensils for your use. If you come alone, figure the amount to serve 4-6; increase the amount 4 servings for each additional person in your party/family.
Sharon Methvin (and cat), and KFC Delivery in Nanjing, China
Grandma Ji’s Restaurant Chain