We are very pleased to welcome Zuriel van Belle to present to us about Portland's resident coyotes following our Eastside vegan potluck. The Portland Urban Coyote Project has been recording human-coyote interactions for over 10 years. With the help of over 20,000 sighting reports, van Belle will unpack the human side of human-wildlife conflict, explain how coyotes make a living in the city, how wildlife stewardship starts in our own backyards, and what's next for the coyote project.
Zuriel van Belle is a geographer focused on animals, plants, and places. She is the director of the Portland Urban Coyote Project, a community science, research, and education project. Her personal interests include digging in the dirt, downshifting, and dogs. Come to the potluck at 5:00, the Portland Urban Coyote presentation at 6:15, or both.
For the potluck, please bring a plant-based (no meat, dairy, honey, or other animal products) main dish, salad, or dessert; a card listing its ingredients; and plates and utensils for your use. If you come alone, figure the amount to serve 4-6; increase the amount 4 servings for each additional person in your party/family.