Northwest VEG is seeking a part-time employee to serve as our Outreach, Event, and Volunteer Coordinator. We are seeking an employee who is passionate about promoting a 100% plant-based diet for a healthy, sustainable, and compassionate world.
The part-time position will average about 20 hours per week but could vary during particularly busy times around major events. Northwest VEG does not have an office, so the employee must be able to work from his/her own home. Applications are due by Friday, February 24, 2023.
The Coordinator will work with the Northwest VEG Board and key volunteers to oversee events, projects, social media, and classes. The Coordinator will also recruit, motivate, train, supervise, and support volunteers for these Northwest VEG activities as much as possible rather than taking on the tasks themselves.
Applicant must be friendly and outgoing with good interpersonal skills, be well-organized, self-motivated, and be an effective communicator. Please go to the NW VEG Jobs Page for a full description of the position and its duties and to learn how to apply.